Friday, March 12, 2010

!! The man who sold the world !!

Monday – the day when minds of men find it hard to change their state from Alcoholic to Workaholic and tongues of women twist themselves from “Thank god it’s Friday” to “Oh my god it’s Monday”. The regret of adding one more weekend to the list of wreckful weekends was still on my mind when I woke up. Turned around to check the time and that’s when my roommate yelled at me “Its 7:15 already, don’t you have any plans of going to office today?” as if he loves dying in there.

I didn’t respond him rather started rushing towards bathroom forcefully, as hardly a few minutes were left out to catch the office bus. I knew I would require to smell the fragrance of inconvenience in BMTC buses for 2 hours to reach office in case if I miss office Bus. The moment I started brushing, there flashed a question in mind “Why many times I do things forcefully without keen interest in it?” . I consoled myself saying “this is not the right time and right place to find the answer”.

Put on enough deodorant to pretend everyone that I am fresh and active. The saying “Whole world will be in time or even early when we are late” turned out to be valid all the way from my college lecturers to this office bus driver. The driver was enjoying my 100 meters sprint but I made it finally.

Sandeep stuck with mobile on his left ear tried hard to convey “Hi” with his raised eyebrows, smile and right hand fingers waving in air. I responded him with an artificial smile conveying the message “I can understand your problem”. I rented the same old 3rd window seat for 1:30 hours. Sandeep who once used to sit in the same seat as I do now, changed his seat after his engagement. Looking at him I felt “Engaged couples” would top the list if someone does a survey of “Top 10 Mobile users”.

Again my mind started bugging me with many queries “Why am I doing some work forcefully though I don’t like to do? Can’t I work on what I really like? Why is it happening with me alone?” this never ending question list saw an end when my phone rang. The display “Nikhil Calling” was crystal clear on screen.

“Why the hell do you take so much time to pick the call?” Nikhil shouted at the other end as if he is the one who coined the word “Impatient”. He sounded as if he had something important to share. I controlled my screwed mood and asked him “Is there anything serious?” with high tone hinting him that I am already disturbed.
“Is something wrong?” Nikhil asked back.
“No” a true lie dropped out by me.
“Dude hectic schedule at office this week, all the more I am given all possible junk work on this earth. So have no mood to reach office neither any other options open. So just thought will talk to you and get started with the week. So what’s up with you?”.
“Go to hell ” looked around to ensure nobody in the bus heard it. I found it harder to digest the reason he called and the way he started with.
“I guess I started my week better than you. Take care of you & your mood, will talk to you in the evening” Nikhil disconnected.
Bus was through half its way when it got stuck in traffic near Halsoor lake. Priyanka Chopra on a big poster advertizing for spice telecom wasn’t looking much spicy that day though I admire her looks. The reason was clear “That’s my screwed mood”. Bus resumed its journey.

After listening to Nikhil I felt the problem is not just with me but with many people in this field. Many of us sometime go to work though we really not interested, many of us act as if we are doing the task voluntarily but the fact is something else. Why are we doing so? I was looking around if someone can answer this. That’s when I realized that bus stopped near office entrance and driver scolding someone. A few in the bus stood up to see what’s going on and so I.

An old man with untidy grey hair covering his face with big moustache and beard with no clear boundary in between them. Worn a old torn jacket with pair of different brand shoes. I saw him shouting and throwing sand at our driver. I stepped ahead to listen what he was saying. “None of you listened to me when I was king, so I sold this world. Now all of you are facing the heat and dancing for the tunes of someone else. Have fun guys.” He opened his ugly teeth to show his happiness that we are sold to someone else as didn't hear him. Meanwhile office guards rushed to rescue us from him. I couldn’t understand the reason behind his act but felt I got the answers that I was looking for since morning. For a while I felt that old man was correct in his statement that “We are sold to someone else and hence we pretend to be happy and do the work that we are really not interested in”.

But meanwhile the software Engineer in me jumped out and reminded that Patch for the escalated issue was supposed to be delivered today. I stepped into office with Sandeep who changed his 24/7 talking mode to 8/5 working mode.

1 comment:

Ashok K R said...

Hey Shreekanth, nice blog.